Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 12: Reading Diary B--Lotuses (Loti?) and Santa's Deer and a Pop-Eyed Little King

Let's see if I can continue the streak of short reading diaries and extend the longest run ever to two!!  Haha.

O. M. G.  This chapter is titled the thousand-petaled lotus.  And we're heading towards the story of the pond.  Maybe my hundred-petaled lotus blossom wasn't that far off at all. . .

Ecologically concerned Pandavas, you are fantastic, haha.

I don't know that Makanaka's diet was necessarily bad, at least not for him.  I mean he was insanely strong--he just could destroy the universe with his strength as a result of eating plants.  So his diet was dangerous, but not inherently bad.

Also, does this mean ancient Indians don't approve of vegetarianism?  Lol, how times have changed.

What is it with wandering men "losing their seed" and having it consumed by random animals to give birth to weird people?  Seriously, though.

Another intelligent woman.  Score two for the Mahabharata!!!  And yay, Santa, haha!!  You sneaky, duplicitous princess, you.

Lol--Rishyasringa doesn't know what a girl is. . . Two pillows on "his" chest, indeed.

I shouldn't even say it. . . but all I can think of is the fact that this is a story of Santa and a reindeer.  Though I would really hope Santa doesn't wed his deer.

You speak, you get stoned.  Punishment definitely fits the crime, there.

Aw, Bhima, you're so chivalrous!  Thinking of your wife before yourself. . . And roaming mountains just in case you come across some flowers for her. . . *sigh*

[Anybody else having trouble detecting my sarcasm from my genuine thoughts and feelings anymore?  Just me?  'K, then.]

And then you go and insult a sick monkey.  Bhima, you disappoint me.


No.  Way.  It's a lotus lake.  I totally called it, if in the completely wrong story, lol.

The Castle of the Dawn of the World ruled over by the Treasure Lord.  There's a grand and pretentious series of titles if I've heard one, haha.

NO FRIENDS?  Awwwwww.  Poor Treasure Lord.  I'll be your friend!

Flood story?  Of course.  I mean, they're everywhere.  The question is, is it the same flood, or different floods?  A very important question, indeed.

I feel like the Pandavas accumulate more wealth while they are banished than they had to begin with.  Why settle when you live in such comfort and wealth anyway?

Who needs war paint when you can put a flower behind your ear.

"pop-eyed little king. . ."  Now that is an interesting description, haha.

I want that lute.  The thing is powerful and I can think of some uses for it. . . (Duh, duh, duhhhhh)

I now have a new monster to occupy my nightmares--Kalee.  At least she doesn't have a grudge against me. . . At least I don't think so. . .

So many personified deer in this epic!!

God, I love how much power Draupadi has over her husbands.  Seriously, it's awesome.

If someone spoke to me the way Krishna speaks to Narayana, I'd marry them.  So I can understand why Krishna has sixteen thousand wifes.  <--Just in case you were wondering, this is half in jest and half serious.  Try to make sense of it now, haha.

SAVITRI!!!!!  I <3 YOU!!! (If you didn't know, I wrote her story already, on my storybook site.  Link here.  Granted, this is assuming people read my blog for the sake of reading my blog, buttttt--yeah.  Link!)

Comparing Draupadi with Savitri?  Yessssss.

Success!!  Another reasonable reading diary!!  Stay tuned to see if I can keep the streak up next week, on Mythological Musings!!!  Haha.

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