Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week 9: Famous Last Words--Art Scholl & Manfred von Richthofen

"I have a problem--I have a real problem."       "Kaputt. . ."

While my problem was not with a plane's systems failing resulting in a subsequent crash, this week I had the unfortunate luck of having my laptop crash on me. . . Again.  Gahhhhhhhhh.  So frustrating, especially seeing as I have this class online plus other classes that necessitate regular access to computers for assignments.  As much as I appreciate that at least there are computers for use on campus, it's still damn inconvenient to rearrange homework and free time around campus and chancy computer availability.  Thus I get to spend what little time I have outside of class in the library and other computer banks on campus.  Fantastic.

What with my computer blacking out on me and my sister visiting and deadlines unexpectedly moving forward (which is totally unacceptable, people!), I have been insanely busy this past week, and have been unable to get ahead with work like usual.  In fact, I do believe I'm going to go crazy with finishing everything only shortly before it's due.  (And while I may be good at procrastinating, it leaves me stressed out and anxious, which is never good for either myself or the people around me, haha.)

Which means, of course, that all of my storybook assignments and responses are falling by the wayside.  I'm not behind--yet--but tomorrow I get to play a massive game of catch-up.  Ugh. . .

This week has been one of those times when you realize how useful technology is until it breaks.  And then you realize how much of classwork forces you to utilize technology or fail.  And then you wish excuses such as "My dog ate my homework" were accepted by university professors, haha.  Instead, I get to say I did my best, but I had to deal with my computer going "Kaputt."  O me miseram!

Image Information.  Photograph of Aerobatics Pitts S2 by Hakan Dahlstrom.  Taken September 5, 2010.  Flickr.


  1. Ahh. I know exactly how that feels! My Mac crashed on me twice. My hardrive completely erased itself and that was by far, the worst experience ever! Make sure that when your computer is repaired that you buy an external hard drive and back things up regularly. Trust me, it's worth it. I learned the hard way. Also, I think it's super important to get warranties on your laptop. That way if something like this does happen again, you can just take it back and get it fixed for free! I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope that you get your laptop fixed asap.

  2. it is a vicious circle. We need the tech to get the education, to get the job, to get the money, to lower our stress in life. But all of this causes stress. I hate it when I am in the middle of something on my laptop or tablet and it crashes. I wanna throw it against the wall but then I remember I am a poor college student and that computer cost money. Money I need to make but only if the laptop will boot up. so it just adds to the stress. Still you seem to take it all in stride lol. One good place on campus to get some easy access to computers is the language building. I forget the name but im sure you know which building I am talking about. I am sorry you laptop crashed, but just think when you get out of college you will make tons of money so when your laptop crashes you can crash it and buy a new one unless you are an English major like me, and then you will never be able to buy a new one lol
