Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 9: Reading Diary B--You've Got to Know When to Hold 'Em. . . Know When to Walk Away, Know When to Run!!

Soooo. . . Due to a busy weekend and a couple of midterm exams sneaking up on me, I decided to skip yesterday's reading diary assignment.  However, I did read both the first and second assignments today, even if I am just commenting on today's section.  So don't think I'm too much of a slacker. . .

Anyway, let's get to Narayan's Mahabharata!!!

In this epic we definitely see a society whose politics are reminiscent of our own--you know, with spies, subterfuge, distrust, lies, no loyalty. . . Did I mention selfish intent?  I could go on.

Oh, codes.  How obvious you can be, when subtlety fails you!!

You have to love the irony of the House of Joy being in reality a murderous trap.  I mean, what else would it be?  And why not escape through tunnels?  That is what every prisoner tries first, of course.  Though most prisoners are forced to dig with a spoon and don't have master tunnel builders to do the work for them. . .

I keep thinking of Bhima as the Lakshmana of the Pandavas.  You know, not sleeping for unrealistic amounts of time, providing for everyone, doing all the necessary things for survival and carrying everyone's burdens himself.  And then having other people take a lot of the credit.  I don't know whether to admire or pity them, so I shall do both.

Of course then Bhima gets a Lakshmana of his own (his son, Ghatotkacha), so life's not too terrible.

Okay, so maybe Bhima gets more for his labors than did Lakshmana.  I pity Bhima considerably less.

Basically Bhima is an amalgamation of Rama and Lakshmana.  Or something.  Yeah, definitely something. . .

Let me just taunt and manhandle this demon and then kill him bare-handed with no effort.  Don't worry, I'm just a simple brahmin. . .  Don't believe me?  Huh.  Guess we'll just have to move on then.  Idiots.  Did you really think you could get away with that without garnering attention?

I kind of hate how Narayan keeps mentioning the Mahabharata in his narration of the Mahabharata.  It just annoys me.  *sigh*

One wife to be shared among five brothers. . . That must be awkward as heck.  Poor Arjuna, poor Draupadi, poor Pandavas.  And how awkward for this all to occur because of a throw-away remark from their mother.  And then to describe the situation to Draupadi's father. . . All sorts of awkwardness here.

Lesson to be learned here:  Never repeat a word when pleading to the gods.  You may end up with five husbands instead of one.  True story.

Poor blind Dhritarashtra being ordered around by his son.  This epic is just filled with poor people.  Even if they are all technically rich.  Money really can't buy happiness. . . Just in case you hadn't yet realized that in your life.

To make peace or to annihilate?  Decisions, decisions.

Need to make a critical decision?  Just turn to the handy god sitting in your midst.  Nbd.

Have you seen your brother having sex with your mutual wife?  EXILE!!  And while exiled, why not pick up two more wives?  What else would you do with your time?

I don't know about any of you, but roasting an entire forest full of animals seems a little excessive as a sacrifice to me--as well as more than a little shameful.  But I guess if it's what the gods want, then it's totally acceptable.  Though I can't help but imagine how harshly my vegetarian sister would declaim this little tale.

I really want to visit this city of wonderful illusions.  It would be like wandering through a beautiful house of mirrors, haha.  Though chances are I would be the one drenched. . . Ah, well.

Gambling--just as much of a harmful addiction then as it is now, and forever the game of the deceitful.

So many descriptions of the prince as a jackal.  Hear him cackle!!

Turning the wife of the five Pandavas into a chambermaid and whore after winning her by cheating in a dice game.  Classy.

I really like Draupadi.  She is one strong, intelligent, defiant woman.  Hells, yeah, Pachali!!

Also, you've gotta love Krishnu for his sari trick to keep Draupadi robed.  Niceeeee.

And finally Dhritarashtra shows some wisdom and lets everyone go free with wealth intact.  Perhaps war can be avoided here. . . Hahahahahaha.  Just kidding.  Like that would happen.

And almost immediately Dhritarashtra once again becomes an idiotic puppet.  Such a strong figure for a king!

Bhima is vicious!!  Maybe justly so, but still!

And after everything has been gambled away once again, again Dhritarashtra tries to undo his error.  Fickle people irk me like nothing else!  Gahhhhh.

And so we are left in suspense as to whether this gambling debt is to be withdrawn as well.  To be continued!!

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